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1How do I pick up a money transfer?

You can pick up your money at any agent location. You’ll need to complete a "To Receive Money" form and include the following information:

  • MTCN
  • Sender's Name
  • Receiver's Name
  • Expected Amount
  • MT Originating City and Country
  • MT Destination City and Country
  • Acceptable ID documents also are required.
  • Some restrictions may apply.
2What are acceptable ID documents for picking up money?

Depending on the country and the agent, where the receiver picks up the money, the acceptable IDs will vary. In general passports and national IDs are acceptable. A driver’s license might not be valid.

In some cases the receiver might also need to verify their current address, for example with a utility bill.

1What about exchange rates?

When you send money internationally, your receiver generally will be paid in local currency. The exact amount will be calculated based on the exchange rate applicable at the time the transaction was sent. However, for transfers to certain countries, the exact amount will be calculated based on the exchange rate applicable at the time of receipt.

2Money available within 3 banking days:

Direct to bank money transfers will generally be credited at the receiver's Bank account within 3 banking business days after money is sent, subject to Restrictions. See Terms and Conditions for details.